Tuesday, August 23, 2011

60 Things About Me! :D

  1. I'm really bored at work. (no facebook, no tv & everyone is asleep)
  2. I don't like kraft macaroni & cheese, but I will eat velveeta.
  3. I am impatient. 
  4. I change my hair style and color way too much.
  5. I'm sick a lot. 
  6. I could eat chicken wings, spaghetti & sushi everyday. 
  7. I strongly dislike winter or temperatures below 68.
  8. I am obsessed with Hunter boots and want a pair in every color and print.
  9. I am incredibly sarcastic. 
  10. I cannot live with out chap-stick.
  11. I'm an Auburn fan! WDE!
  12. I rarely eat sweets.
  13. I love thunderstorms.
  14. I could fall asleep to crickets chirping every night.
  15. I am terrified of bridges, birds, and things that fly. (ladybugs and moths?!)
  16. I do not like to obey the rules.
  17. Anyone who can make me laugh fascinates me.
  18. I really do like to play in the rain.
  19. During my drivers test, I parallel parked with ease, but couldn't back in to save my life.
  20. I have 5 tattoos and want more.
  21. I really like to sing, but probably shouldn't do it around anyone. unless they have hearing problems.
  22. I prefer the toilet paper roll off the top & I will change it if it isn't on there correctly.
  23. I cannot handle repetitive noises. (blinkers, alarm clocks, etc.)
  24. My feet and hands are tiny. 
  25. I love me some bacon.
  26. I love being in love.
  27. I swear too much.
  28. I hate being tickled.
  29. If my sister and I weren't sisters, we probably wouldn't be friends.
  30. I love to fold laundry, but putting it up really sucks.
  31. I hate noise waking me up.
  32. If I don't get enough sleep, I turn into Satan.
  33. If I am hungry and I don't eat quick enough, I turn into Satan.
  34. & the combo of 31 & 32 is NOT GOOD!
  35. I had to sit in silent lunch in 2nd Grade for flinging peas & corn across the lunch room with my spork.
  36. I love scary movies. 
  37. I love to fish. 
  38. I am addicted to online shopping.
  39. I love antiques. lovelovelove!
  40. I am so grateful for my best friend, Molly.
  41. Some people think I'm funny.
  42. I love to help people.
  43. I can lie pretty good.
  44. I will never understand how a GPS works. I understand the concept, but how does it know!?
  45. I don't like cats.
  46. I hold up my hands to determine left from right.
  47. Stupid people drive me insane.
  48. I love to talk in a British accent.
  49. I am a crafty little shit.
  50. I hate mornings.
  51. I'm an emotional roller coaster lately.
  52. I always assume the worst. That way I don't get let down.
  53. I love beer. I'm not sorry.
  54. I enjoy napping. ALL THE TIME.
  55. I wear rain boots when it's sunny.
  56. I love my cowboy boots too.
  57. I hate talking on the phone, but do it for a living.
  58. I am a little dyslexic. 
  59. I am not cut out for the city life.
  60. I have a terrible memory.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

For Leslie..

Tomorrow my little, bitty baby sister will be a senior in high school. Yes, I said senior. in. high school!! The little, bitty baby sister that created a new, big family for me and my previously single mom. The same little, bitty sister that stole ALL of the attention away from fabulous little, bitty me. The same little, bitty sister that ran away from home nearly a year ago, for three whole weeks and made me experience feelings that I do not wish on anyone. Not knowing where she was for three weeks killed me. I cried at least 10 times a day. I thought she was gone forever, but the day we drove to North Carolina to get her was pure bliss. Except for the falling asleep driving thing. No matter how much she pisses me off, she's my sister, the only one I've got and I am thankful. I've hit her, bit her, pushed her, stole her barbies and babies, cussed her, and hated her guts, but I truly love that little butthead more than life itself.

Leslie : You little brat. I wish you all of the success and happiness in the world. I hope you reach every goal you set for yourself and never sell yourself short. Make you happy, even though the decision may not make me happy. It's your choice and I back you 110%. I will always be your big sister and will always worry about the decisions you make and will be here to catch you when you fall. Good luck this year. I love you!