Tuesday, August 23, 2011

60 Things About Me! :D

  1. I'm really bored at work. (no facebook, no tv & everyone is asleep)
  2. I don't like kraft macaroni & cheese, but I will eat velveeta.
  3. I am impatient. 
  4. I change my hair style and color way too much.
  5. I'm sick a lot. 
  6. I could eat chicken wings, spaghetti & sushi everyday. 
  7. I strongly dislike winter or temperatures below 68.
  8. I am obsessed with Hunter boots and want a pair in every color and print.
  9. I am incredibly sarcastic. 
  10. I cannot live with out chap-stick.
  11. I'm an Auburn fan! WDE!
  12. I rarely eat sweets.
  13. I love thunderstorms.
  14. I could fall asleep to crickets chirping every night.
  15. I am terrified of bridges, birds, and things that fly. (ladybugs and moths?!)
  16. I do not like to obey the rules.
  17. Anyone who can make me laugh fascinates me.
  18. I really do like to play in the rain.
  19. During my drivers test, I parallel parked with ease, but couldn't back in to save my life.
  20. I have 5 tattoos and want more.
  21. I really like to sing, but probably shouldn't do it around anyone. unless they have hearing problems.
  22. I prefer the toilet paper roll off the top & I will change it if it isn't on there correctly.
  23. I cannot handle repetitive noises. (blinkers, alarm clocks, etc.)
  24. My feet and hands are tiny. 
  25. I love me some bacon.
  26. I love being in love.
  27. I swear too much.
  28. I hate being tickled.
  29. If my sister and I weren't sisters, we probably wouldn't be friends.
  30. I love to fold laundry, but putting it up really sucks.
  31. I hate noise waking me up.
  32. If I don't get enough sleep, I turn into Satan.
  33. If I am hungry and I don't eat quick enough, I turn into Satan.
  34. & the combo of 31 & 32 is NOT GOOD!
  35. I had to sit in silent lunch in 2nd Grade for flinging peas & corn across the lunch room with my spork.
  36. I love scary movies. 
  37. I love to fish. 
  38. I am addicted to online shopping.
  39. I love antiques. lovelovelove!
  40. I am so grateful for my best friend, Molly.
  41. Some people think I'm funny.
  42. I love to help people.
  43. I can lie pretty good.
  44. I will never understand how a GPS works. I understand the concept, but how does it know!?
  45. I don't like cats.
  46. I hold up my hands to determine left from right.
  47. Stupid people drive me insane.
  48. I love to talk in a British accent.
  49. I am a crafty little shit.
  50. I hate mornings.
  51. I'm an emotional roller coaster lately.
  52. I always assume the worst. That way I don't get let down.
  53. I love beer. I'm not sorry.
  54. I enjoy napping. ALL THE TIME.
  55. I wear rain boots when it's sunny.
  56. I love my cowboy boots too.
  57. I hate talking on the phone, but do it for a living.
  58. I am a little dyslexic. 
  59. I am not cut out for the city life.
  60. I have a terrible memory.


  1. How come I never saw this?! LOVE IT!

    I nap a lot, too, AND putting away laundry is # 1 on my Things That SUCK list. Glad we have those commonalities! :)
